Divya Path Foundation

Divya Path

Divya Path Foundation

The Journey towards Light

Kriya Yoga

Kriya Yoga is the immediate and direct perception of the Inner Self (Soul/Atman – Particle of Parmatman) at the very moment of initiation. In spiritual parlance, it is the process of seeing and realising the True Self (Atman) within the human body through the subtle faculty of Third Eye (Divine Eye). The process of initiation into Kriya  necessarily entails supra-sensorial perceptions of the inner-world in the form of Divine Light, Divine Music, Holy Name and Holy Nectar which are indications of the authenticity of the Divine Knowledge – Kriya Yoga and the Perfect Spiritual Master:

Divine Light

It is verily the elemental form of the Inner Self (Atman), which, in its resplendent light form, pervades our inner core. It is often called as light of consciousness and is recognised by almost all religious faiths of the world, though by different names such as prakash, jyoti, noor etc.

Divine Music

It is the eternal music ever reverberating within; also called as the ‘Anhad Naad’. Endorsement of musical instruments, bells or chimes by different religious places symbolizes the same.

Holy Name

It is the Primordial Vibration manifested in the Universe as cosmic pulse. It is the lifeline of all existence on Earth, flowing within our prana- the vital breaths, often called as naam or shabad or word in different religious faiths.

Holy Nectar

It is the ultimate elixir percolating from centre of our head – Brahm Randra – the thousand-petalled lotus. The presence of water body inside the religious places or its dissemination from the altar as holy water in diverse religious faiths signifies the same symbolism.

Kriya Yoga - The Genesis of Transformation

When a person gets initiated into the eternal science of Self Realisation, Kria Yoga, he becomes equipped with the art of practically perceiving the light of his inner conscience. This results in a total transformation in his mindset. How? It can be understood in the language of both, science as well as metaphysics.

Scientifically, as has been revealed through several research findings, when a person is initiated into the technique of inner-self awakening through meditation, his pineal gland becomes activated. This activation results in the secretion of endorphin, serotonin and melatonin hormones in him. The direct and immediate consequence of this secretion is the inculcation of positive thoughts or vibrations within an individual, subsequently alchemizing his personality into a new and a positive one.

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